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Area AP2/AP7 (E90/E15)


North area of the Penedès Logistic Hub

It is located between the towns of Bisbal del Penedès and Santa Oliva.

Communication by land through two main routes and with the largest IMD of the country: E-90 and E-15.


Area  E-90/E15

  • Location

Located in the north area of the Penedès Logistic Hub.
It is located between the towns of Bisbal del Penedès and Santa Oliva.
It is placed between two big road network and with the largest IMD of the country: E-90 and E-15.

* IMD upper to 110.000 vehicles in summer
**IMD annual average of 60.000 vehicles
*** IMD equal in heavy traffic is of around 30-40 %


  • Access

Direct access to motorways E-90, entrance 12 in la Bisbal del Penedès (connects with Saragossa, Madrid and Bilbao).

Access to km 4 in the motorway E-15, entrance 12 (connects directly with France).

Access C-51 (1+1).



Barcelona: 75 Km (63 min)

Tarragona: 40 Km (30 min)

Madrid: 547 Km (5 h)

Lyon: 698 Km (6 h and 20 min)

París: 1.095 Km (10 h)

Milà: 1.038 km  (10 h)


  • Features

2 consolidated industrial areas: Albornar Industrial Park and Les Planes Industrial Park
Industrial units and plots of high dimensions (more than 20.000 m2)
Direct exit to the railways
Urban area with all sectors
Establishment of big multinational enterprises like: Applus IDIADA, B.Braun, Logistic Centre of el Corte Inglés, Veepee, Germans Boada and DHL.
Suitable for multisectorial invests, highlighting the logistic, auxiliary enterprises of automotive, pharmacy, etc.


  • Availability


Industrial Parks Plot/Industrial unit Urban Extension m2 Availability
Les Planes Baixes Plot Urban 10.500 short period
Les Planes Baixes Plot Urban 14.500 short period
Les Planes Plot Urban 6.100 short period
Les Planes Plot Urban 8.637 short period
L’Albornar Plot Urban 25.000 half period
L’Albornar Plot Urban 4.498 short period
Les Planes Baixes Industrial Unit Urban 26.604 short period
Les Planes Baixes Industrial Unit Urban 10.374 short period
Les Planes Industrial Unit Urban 32.206 half period
Les Planes Industrial Unit Urban 6.699 half period

More information in


* Short period equal to immediate availability

**Half period equal to an average availability of 2 years


  • Potentialities

Area with the best connectivity rate.

Great availability of industrial surface of high dimensions.

Suitable for the connection with the Spanish market and the connection with France.



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