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A public service of reception to new companies: l’EINA Business Space


“L’Eina” is a business space pertaining to the Town Council of El Vendrell and the first contact for companies which want to make business in the area. Its main targets are to promote competitiveness and the growth of the business sector, to contribute in creating employment and to promote the public-private partnership.

L’Eina ́s main services are:

Business accommodation service: It is a temporary location for new companies that need a temporary place to organize its establishment in the region.

Information service and monitoring to get established service: Helping to look for the most suitable industrial space, possible existing public aids, streamline procedures, getting in touch with institutions, etc.

Business counseling service: In areas such as strategy, marketing, financial analysis, management and organization, innovation, quality, etc.

A space for business training: Where training activities aimed at the company management are organized.

Entrepreneur net: Formed by a big number of companies located in the region which cooperate with each other and contribute together to the economic development.

Support in headhunting for personnel: Through a very effective job market that helps companies in the region to find the most suitable people to fill any vacancy they may have.

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