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Most important companies

The main companies in the region are:

Applus+ IDIADA: It is one of the largest established companies offering design, engineering, testing and approval services for the automotive sector worldwide. Its reputation is based on the knowledge and experience of an international team of more than 1,400 engineers, top-level facilities, an international presence in more than 20 countries and a high level of R&D development.

Logistic Centre of el Corte Inglés: Leading retail distribution group in the Spanish market, formed by a group of companies from different sectors, the main company being the department stores. It has built a distribution center in La Bisbal del Penedès of 42.000 m2, which has made it the second largest logistic center in Catalonia.

B.Braun: German company specialized in the development, production and distribution of medical and surgical equipment, pharmaceuticals and health services. It is present in 61 countries, with more than 50.000 workers and a turnover of 5.170 milion euros.

Veepee: Leading French company in Europe in e-commerce (flash sales). Present in 14 countries with six different brands and 6.000 workers where 900 are in Spain. Its main distribution center for southern Europe is the municipality of Santa Oliva with a warehouse of 48.000 m2.

Saint Gobain: The world’s leading manufacturer of glass for the automotive industry for over 80 years. They supply high value products in three markets: originally installed glass, (aftermarket) and glass for transport vehicles (trucks, buses and aeronautics).

Reverté Minerals: Company for the production of calcium carbonate, natural or synthetic and powdered and slurry based on advanced technological processes that provide added value to customers. They have three plants between Spain and Mexico from which they extract and process 500.000 tons a year.

EQ Esteve: Esteve Química develops, manufactures and markets advanced intermediates and active pharmaceutical ingredients for the pharmaceutical industry. The Banyeres del Penedès plant is totally dedicated to this production.

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